Manly or not, hobbies can bring you joy, increase your eye for detail, keep your mind sharp, expand your creativity, and help you meet friends/babes and learn valuable skills. They add interest to your life and help you become a more well-rounded man. Contact Us
When a guy lives an active lifestyle, doing things he is passionate about, life will seem a lot more fulfilling whether your hobby is manly or not. Because everybody needs a hobby. However, a hobby is only rewarding if you make the most of it. If you make your hobby a chore, it’s not going to be very rewarding anymore. I also wouldn’t get into too many hobbies at once- spreading the appropriate ones out over the seasons is best so that it doesn’t become so redundant. Nevertheless, a man with hobbies is a man that seeks a well-balanced life.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Manly/Guy Hobbies

Some will think that the word hobby shouldn’t even be in the same sentence as manly because old school thinking in reference to someone sitting a chair crocheting. But that thinking is not true at all by today`s standards. Crocheting is not really considered a manly hobby by today`s standards either but there is a lot of men doing it.

It seems like it was around WW2 that things changed as far as what was considered to be a manly thing for men only. Before that woman were considered home makers. During the war though, all the men went off to fight and the women were the only replacements to do the work in the factories and support the war effort. Not to mention the fact that women took over the Baseball Federation during the war. Soon people of the world realized that women could do the work just as well as most of the men and great conflicts arose when the war was over and the men came home to get their jobs back.