10 Ways To Be A More Manly Man
By roastedpinebarkWell men, I've asked a variety of women about the ten best characteristics that makes a man more manly and a pattern started to emerge. There is really quite an array of characteristics that can define manliness but, as every man's "taste" in women is different, so are women's "tastes" in men.
- Confidence-Honestly, confidence is number one for a reason. Girls generally don't think men are manly if they don't have any confidence and even guys that are total dweebs, in many cases, can still attract gals by displaying this characteristic. Ways that guys can better gain and have confidence is by being happy about who you are and just being yourself (as cheesy as it sounds).
- Sense of Humor-Girls just downright tend to think funny guys are generally more masculine, a lot more masculine then us guys would think, mind you. Girls like to be entertained by cute, funny guys so by having some funny characteristics, girls may think you're masculine even if you've never hit the weight room in you're life.
- Showering/Smell-OK, you've gotta smell good for the ladies, or things just won't work out. If the first or second thing a girl notices about you is your stench, then all is lost. By showering everyday, wearing some deodorant, etc., you can not lose masculinity, unless that girl likes your bodily odor.
- Exercise-Girls generally think guys that work out, up to a point, are more masculine. Running and swimming usually doesn't cut it (sorry Michael Phelps), but this is a category that girls generally don't give to big of a hoot about. Some girls liked a ripped upper body and others don't so you're best bet really is to just be yourself and do occasional exercise. Confidence can make up for this area in leaps and bounds sometimes.
- Appearance-The facial expression and appearance of a guy is a big determining factor of whether a guy looks "masculine" or not. Honestly, this characteristic varies even more then the last, catering to each individual girl. Some common ways to look more manly don't have to include looks that are tough or display amazing strength, but smiling and being happy are great for many occasions.
- Respectful-This is one of the most important skills to learn and use to be more manly. A real man respects women and treats them as princesses, and yes, most women would like the opposite sex to view and treat them as such. Southern hospitality is one of the most manly characteristics a guy can display at times, even if its just opening a door for a girl. Seriously, respect is utterly important and shouldn't have to be built up but most guys need to learn it, sadly.
- Goal Oriented-A lot of women don't like to be with guys that aren't going anywhere. Having goals and sticking, moderately, to them makes a girl feel more secure and think more seriously about a guy. Again, some girls like to live on the edge and don't really care, but a lot of women do. Having goals generally can help a guy look more masculine.
- Listening Skills-Right up with respect, truly listening to women is a key to not only trivial things like looking masculine, but listening to women can save marriages, help gain lasting bonds and friendships, and can help you find the right girl for you. Listening to a woman shows her you care and will sacrifice some time to totally devote yourself to what she thinks and has to say. Every woman I know says that this characteristic is important.
- Hobbies-Once again, girls tend to like guys that are going somewhere in life and by "showing off" with hobbies, girls can get acquainted with and curious of guys. Some hobbies, obviously, are more attractive to some kind of women then others, but be yourself with what you do and the right girl will come along.
- Sensitivity-Yes, having some amount of sensitivity makes men appear masculine to most women. We're not talking about crying all the way through a movie, but showing empathy and maybe tears once in a while (shock!). Overdoing it isn't good, but this is really a characteristic that a person can only really be himself about.
What the women had to say:
I'm female, so coming from that other side...
Screw muscles. If a guy cares enough about something to let himself cry, I'm hooked. Especially if it involves someone he loves. Seeing a man who's willing to let himself cry is (in my opinion) *extremely* sexy and manly. And while muscles are nice, macho is NOT. don't hide your feelings. Protecting us and treating us nicely is one thing; controlling us and treating us like property because your strength and ego; however, is not. At all. Really, it's terrible.
I think it'd be interesting to see what MEN think is manly...muscles or that inner masculinity.
Just a quick shoutout to P'Gell. She wrote in her comment:
"Be Manly and with the perks of Manliness comes the RESPONSIBILITIES, mainly WORKING HARD supporting a family and NOT whining about it. There is NOTHING less Manly than whining."
I SO agree with that! If you're a man, and you're whining, than you absolutely need to stop that. Not only will it drive women away from you, it will also rob you of your own manliness, your self-confidence and your feeling of self-worth, and it will WEAKEN YOUR CHARACTER.
A man see's a challenge and takes it own with all he's got - he doesn't whine and complain about it.
I know that's "hard", but if you just DECIDE that you're up for the challenge, that decision alone will make you stronger - whether you succeed in mastering the challenge or not.
Sure i think this article is more about "how to turn a girl on" rather than how to be a more manly man. But in the end if you're attracting girls then does it really matter?
Secondly, to all the guys that say women don't know what they want? That's so retarded> You all don't deserve to have girlfriends or wives if you don't think they have the capacity to decide for themselves what they want...
You would rather ask a Man how men want you to act and look like? Maybe you should be batting for the other side ?
What the men had to say:
Whoa!! You asked women to tell us what it is to be a manly man? I have to admit you have some good stuff in your blog, but, you start out by saying you consulted with women, which isn't such a "bad" thing, but they are women. If I stand in front of a mirror, I won't be looking at boobs and vagina--well, maybe the boobs!! but definitely not vagina. What happened to asking MEN what a real man is? You know, asking some old guy who has lived a man's life for a 100 or so years. Ask a WWI veteran if there any of them left, or a WWII vet or a Korean War or Vietnam War Vet what a real man is. You will be surprised by the answer. Why do we men keep falling into the trap and looking to women to find out who we are? We, as men, need to discover what it is to be a real man and then reflect that back to one another and especially to the younger men. And it probably is about all those things in your blog, but we need to discover those qualities for ourselves as men, not from women, and that's not to say that women don't have valuable feedback for us, because they do. But we need to become familiar with other men having valuable feedback for us and to begin to trust each other that together as men, we can discover what it is to be a real man other than killing each other!
It's a little late, and I apologize if this was a bit of a rant!!
Thanks for reading
It depends of how you see or what a "Real Man" is for you. It always comes down to personal perspective.
As other said, asking women is a bit stupid. Is like asking men how "a real woman" is to us we will say "charismatic, independent, strong, intelligent..." when we want to say "boobs".
I think it comes out to what it is to you and what is your concept of how a real man should behave. Real man are often to me "daring, rational, emotionally tough, resourceful and fair in personal treat and treatment with others, holding everything to his own higher standards, always striving to improve in all the fields he decides to undertake in life..." I think that's all that counts.
Masculinity implies strength of character, honor, righteousness, and wisdom. Femininity implies gentleness, empathy, and sensitivity. Both are essential in a human being. They are not opposites. Ideally, men and women should have characteristics of both masculinity and femininity.
What you have described is the noble-lie of masculinity. This noble-lie of masculinity turns on some women. And it rubs some men's egos the right way.
Being manly has nothing to do with muscles or exercise or treating any woman as royalty or his hobbies. These are superficial fake things that anybody can do.
What it means to be a manly man is to just be himself, while constantly seeking to improve himself per his own definition of what success means to him in life.
First, this requires belief in himself. Not that he is always right, but that he is capable of discerning what he wants to become. Next, he must work diligently towards becoming exactly who he wants to be. The self-awareness thus gained gives him the confidence which makes him attractive as a man. That confidence allows him to be his true self, without having to hide his emotions and his feelings from others. He has integrity, i.e. honesty within himself, and he is honest with the people in his life about his needs and his wants, about his mistakes and his shortcomings. He is not fake. He does not fake confidence or manipulate others. People like the true person he is.
That's a manly man!
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