Manly or not, hobbies can bring you joy, increase your eye for detail, keep your mind sharp, expand your creativity, and help you meet friends/babes and learn valuable skills. They add interest to your life and help you become a more well-rounded man. Contact Us
When a guy lives an active lifestyle, doing things he is passionate about, life will seem a lot more fulfilling whether your hobby is manly or not. Because everybody needs a hobby. However, a hobby is only rewarding if you make the most of it. If you make your hobby a chore, it’s not going to be very rewarding anymore. I also wouldn’t get into too many hobbies at once- spreading the appropriate ones out over the seasons is best so that it doesn’t become so redundant. Nevertheless, a man with hobbies is a man that seeks a well-balanced life.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Manly Hobbies/The Manly Man

A Manly Mans honor will traditionally consist of having a reputation judged worthy of respect and admiration by a group of equal peers who share the same codes and standards. His honor has become a concept almost entirely synonymous with personal integrity and is more powerful than all the rules and laws of the land in shaping the human behavior of the manly man. In earlier times, these standards were based on strength, courage, determination, and dedication and they still hold true to this day. At an individual level, masculinity refers to how successfully a person conforms to the social expectations for the man, and at broader levels it denotes how successful structures and practices preserve the gender order in which men predominate and the cultural attributes of manliness hold sway.

A man’s desire to be manly will never really have to do with women in general or their opinion of him. Basing their lives around the opinions of women is exactly where men have gone wrong these last few decades. A man will seek and fine true manliness only out of his desire for confidence, honor, and self-respect. His strength of character and intelligence will grant him all the success he will ever need in life, allowing him to make more money and meet more women than girly men. A real man knows his place in the world and understands what has to be done at all times to maintain his respect and dignity. He does not question his fate, and instead goes about his life with a sense of determination and righteousness. With that in mind, a he also has his own ideas and is able to think outside of the box at will.

What does the manly man look like? Does he have to be broad-shouldered, self-confident, and tough, is he successful? Is he powerful, committed to his purposes, able to keep in check emotions

that might interfere with achieving his goals? Does he keep moving against all odds, never indulging the urge to panic or cry? He may have some or all the above traits, but actually the manly man will always get his deepest enjoyment from what he has accomplished and not buy how he looks to others.
The manly male does not obsess over losing physical looks, and is not obsessed with physical appearance or the natural process of aging, he deals with it.

Today’s Manly Man is different from years ago only by the materialistic things that surrounds him, but he will still carry himself with the same continual pride and self-assurance that separates him from all other men. He will never be known as a follower and may not be a leader by title, but he will always have followers that look up to him as a leader. He will never dress trendy, but will be a trend setter by what he wears. He may even wear Levis from time to time, but never with lavender sneakers.
The Manly Man will respect women, even those who don’t respect themselves and may throw themselves at him at a glance, and he will never take advantage of them but he will help them in

knowing their own true worth. The Manly Man does not abuse his woman in any way, but respects women, keeping his standards high and only dating women who have the qualities one would want in a future wife and mother of his children. The Manly Man loves his women and for this it is probably his only solitary weakness.
His attitude is save your tenderness for your relationships with women, but be a Rock of Gibraltar on whom the more emotional can lean on when necessary.
Comfort and or difficulties will never deter the Manly Man. He does his job to the fullest and never whines or moans about the task at hand, but rather works beyond the call of duty diligently. If he needs help or advice he will ask for it, till then watch and learn, because he will have the ingenuity to fix and build most anything.
“The Manly Man is never a quitter.”
The Manly Man will choose his hobbies with the same brawn and discipline he lives by daily. If his hobby is cars they will always be of the manly variety and ooze manliness by their looks and sound. A Manly Man will never own a pink Cadillac nor will you see him ridding in one unless a beautiful women owns it and she is driving him to the Saturday night beauty contest where he is the chief judge.
Manly man would be great mountain climbers because they hunger for constant adventure in their lives. Their mothers may cringe at the thought of him doing it, but his father encourages him because he always taught his son to never be afraid to try new things in life and never let challenges stand in the way of accomplishments.
Other Manly hobbies may include gambling, motor cycle riding, NASCAR, or surfing. Like doing his job to the fullest, the Manly Man will always take his hobbies to the limits and never whine or complain if he gets a scratch doing it. Manliness is wild and seeks the wild. The manly will always consider risking loss in order to stand for important beliefs and principles. His attitude is always “I can do better” or “go further and faster" and will never be one to admit defeat in the presence of his pears.
The manly man would enjoy motor cycle riding but would never be seen riding a foreign made two cycle ring-a-ding ding type. His ride will be big and bold looking, with enough chrome to blind a truck driver and reflect only the bad boy American motor cycle heritage and brandish brand names like Harley Davidson or Indian. It will have a seat big enough for two that screams the question “do want to go for a ride” all by its self and the back tire is big enough to use on “Big Foot”.
His hobbies may include cooking only because he likes his food robust and spicy, it will always contain a source of meat, preferably steak, and he will always use a cast iron skillet to cook it and then cleans it with a Brillow Pad because Teflon is whooses. If one of his hobbies is being a wine enthusiast, he will keep a cellar full and always pick the perfect year for any meal, and afterwards his kitchen will be cleaned spotless with everything put in its place because he demands cleanliness and organization in his life.

The manly man will always seek leadership roles in guidance, discipline, independency, freedom, individualism, and dominance because manliness is self-satisfied in that it does not seek nor need the approval of others. The manly men needs only respect to get by in life, as the womanly need only love.
As a way of understanding the manly man, let me encourage you to think of being manly as an energy, a natural momentum within the heart and soul of every man, a power and an urge to move into life in a particular way with particular mannerism. Men in whom this masculine energy is suppressed or distorted are unmanly, however culture may regard them. Men are manly only when they live within the power of this released masculine energy. Being manly is about being yourself and being content with it. Roam the wild, shoot buffalo.
In conclusion, being manly has nothing to do hormones, testosterone, gender, or the size of one’s gonads, “it`s a frame of mind”, and the willingness to exhibit in everyday life, the examples of being manly.
Thanks for listening,